Generations may pass, but the thoughts remain the same. Times may change, but the egoistic feelings remain the same. Men may grow, but the ruler always wants to be a ruler. Love may transcend boundaries, but power will not. This is called the 'Underlying egoism' in the hearts of the so-called compassionate people.
Progress to the mankind has made lives simpler and realising to this fact takes a hell lot of time for the generations that are still living in midst of orthodoxy. Human being is an embodiment of conflicting and wavering thoughts. Mind changes the focus according to the convenience of the soul by violating the promises of its ownself. Mind gives justification for this by preparing a convenient answer that would go against the conscience. But egocentric feeling dampens the conscience of thought and makes the survival of the fittest possible i.e. the ultimate acts which you would repent of after committing.
The balance of thoughts and acts strike the right chord when the balance of the heart and mind strike the right chord. It's not the mind that always rules, think from your heart and perform the acts so as not to repent of them afterwards.