Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Philosophy simplified

I know that you know and you know that I too know, and we both know that things are known to both and we also know that we know more than what others know.

What others think we do not think, but we think better than many others, and others do not know what we know, and we think that others should not know what we think and we should always think that we should think.

This is philosophy.
Philosophy tells about what we do not know and what cannot be understood.
This is the beauty of philosophy.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Realistic it was,
though superficial it appeared

Caring I was,
though arrogant I appeared

Thoughtful I was,
though crazy I appeared

Straightforward I was,
though hyprocrite I appeared

Possessive I was,
and unknowing she was

Artful I appeared,
though sincere I was

Hazy my expressions were,
though clear my thoughts were.

'Implicit' I meant,
but 'explicit' she asked for.

Proposal it was,
denial I met with.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Love at first sight

Heard this phrase innumerable times, but never did I experience.

Four words, countless emotions, there I stood to experience the experience of a lifetime.
I wondered, I pondered, but I surrendered.
Beauty at its peak, simplicity at its best; though lasted for a moment, they made me think beyond beauty.

Beautiful she was in a pink dress, and happy my eyes were to get themselves pampered by the creator's thought.
It was all furtive glances, before my eyes entertained the thought of sneaking into her eyes.

Time and tide wait for no man.
Time passed and it was the glimpse that drove me crazy.
I followed the time and my eyes followed the beauty.

I waited till the time arrived for my thoughts to speak.
It was the time to eulogize the beauty, it was the time to get closer to the beauty, and it was the real time for the thoughts to speak.

Thoughts spoke and the answer did come.
It was then a thought into a relationship.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Blogging, elusive when you lose touch!!!

Hew, blogging,the art of writing, thinking, penning your thoughts, all seem to be synonymous, but the word that has driven me crazy is the first one. Though all seem to be the same, blogging occupies a unique position of keeping me active with thoughts galore flowing in and out of my little brain. Hitherto, I might be having a minature amount of 42 blogs to my credit, but someday I would love to reach the elusive three digit number. I almost think everyday on different topics which I think are feasible enough to put my thoughts in. Each day a new topic, but somewhere down the line I get stuck. Sometimes, it is like I struggle to get the right topic and sometimes it is the start that I fail to get. Each day begins with a fresh thought on how to approach a blog on poetry or prose. But it is months since the thoughts have translated into blogs. Each day my obsession towards this passion is increasing, but in vain. It has been 3 months without a blog and I wanted to get a start on some topic or the other. I tried many poetry and prose topics, and my drafts list has crossed 90. Whenever I dont get any thoughts, especially these days, I try to imrovise on the topics which I have written in drafts. But I failed in the very attempt of improvising. I was so obsessive to get a start and keep myself active in blogging. The reasons are many, but there is not any excuse. I would love to keep my mind preoccupied with this passion. I hope the numbers would increase this year. I would like to thank all my blog readers, especially my sis and my cousin who would read each and every blog and post their comments.

Wishing you all a happy new year