Friday, October 10, 2008

When tested? The mind of a depressed.

When tested in the crucible of time, I fail the test.
When tested in the race for survival, I struggle to compete.
When tested in the finesse of art, I lack the luster
When tested in the art of living, I find it hard to live.
When tested in the divinity of truth, I am a lie.
When tested in the coherence of thoughts, I am not in sync.
When tested in the intricacies of life, I lack the austerity.
When tested in the life's game, I play a spoilsport.
At last, when tested in the happiness of being, I am a depressed recluse.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Just a crush

It was during the day
when I was basking in the Sun's glory

It was during the day
when I was astounded by the beauty of nature.

It was during the day
when my intuition triumphed over my thoughts

It was during the day
when my eyes could do nothing but stare at the best

It was during the day
when nature struggled to compete

It was during the day
when nature envied its own creators.

It was the day
that was giving way to the darkness.

It was then the night
when I had to think about the day

It was then the night
when it was all over, but then it was just a crush.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The art of saying "NO"

No, no, no, is that the way to say no. Maybe yes but not this time. Maybe yes maybe no. I don't know, but I think it is "NO". I don't want to hurt you, but I can't help..please. I don't know, but I don't care. I am sorry, but please excuse me. Say yes please, I can't hear "NO". Please forgive me- No way. Please accept my proposal. No chance man, I am not made for you. It is YES when the subtle happy feelings in your heart show up on your face to enlighten the souls around you. It is YES as long as you share same views with the listener. What if you encounter a situation wherein your acceptance matters the most and your denial hurts someone? What if your answer makes an indelible impression on a person's mind? What if the answer is made to be "NO", but the way to express it makes it all the more difficult? What if there is always some distress associated with your denial? Many of us don't know what we are, but the situations we encounter bring out what we are. It is always easy when things go our way, but it is always difficult to change things our way. It is always easy to express your happiness, but it is difficult to radiate the happiness. It is always easy to say YES, but it remains a mystery to say "NO". Somethings are best left unsaid.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

It's YOU

I maintained my composure,
but you aroused the passsion in me.

I followed my path,
but you made me traverse your path.

I maintained my elegance,
but you made it sound preposterous.

I never encountered a fall,
but your persona made me all the more vulnerable.

I was always confident,
but you made me conscious.

I trusted my inner sense,
but your sixth sense triumphed over my inner sense.

Your sixth sense knows everything,
but you gave way to the real senses.
My eyes said it all,
and the result is inevitable.

It's YOU; you made me say this at last


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

A prostitute's life

There was a time when the world was created with two souls behind the creation. There was a time when curiousity culminated in all the problems. It was the time when Pandora's box was opened. Though a triumph over nature's laws, it presented a world denuded of peace. The problems galore that the box created multiplied and the world sounds a misnomer for a happy abode. In a world created by god, we happen to be a drop in the ocean ever on the look out for peace. Quite fortunate are some who stand to make a living out of what they received, but a few are destined to live a life that they would not have dreamt of.

Not many prefer that way, but for a few it is the spoilsport played by the destiny. Preening herself, Madhubala peeps out of the window looking for her friends to accompany her for her night's work. She starts her journey filling her mind with lascivious thoughts and teaching her eyes the furtive glances. Looking for lechers in the streets is her daily work, but soliciting people for the right bargain is a tough ask, as amorous relations salvage her spoilt stomach. After a hard night's work she awakes in the morning to see her dreams rent asunder in the backdrop of a lustful art. The sun sets and the moon peeps out making the girls solicit openly in the streets.

Everything is destined is a known fact, but what life has in store for them is nobody's concern. A life out of bed, and a life asking to prostitute their talents in the bed, not often do people take it this way as the loss of libido is not a frequently heard phrase. A prostitute longs for a Platonic relation, but she is known for illicit ways. She craves for true love, but succeeds in prostituting her talents in its making. She dreams about love, but lust inextricably linked with all her dreams. She knows it's a misdemeanour, she knows it's a felony. She wants to come out of this, but she has no one to salvage her wrecked existence. She wants to lead a life of a recluse, but she has a brand attached to her and in this lustful society only brand rules and so do men.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

World on the move

Primafacie, everything is predestined, but to an extent everything is predictible. Imagination at its best, reverie behind a thought and a spark propelling an action, these seem to be the food for thought for the phantasmagorical world. Each day I wake up to the chirping of birds, indicating a new world in the making. I may not have dreamt of everthing, but the dream is already in practice in some part of the world. I fantasize about illusions, but only to see them changing into reality. I write captions about the illusory world, but the next moment I awaken to see them really existing. I stop writing for a few days, but my thoughts never allow me to do so. I start a new blog on the developments on earth, but people are already planning to develop the moon. I plan to move towards moon, but people have started exploring Mars. I plan to visualize something that had never existed, but people already propounded theories about the never existent till now. I want to create something new, but the new may not be new the next day. I see the phantasmagorical world, but the world sees me as an amateur new to this field still learning to accept the fact that it has a lot more to offer which no one would ever visualise.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Envious, maybe a tinge in everyone.

I hope that I will be the best,
but I land up somewhere in the rest.
I think of bringing it the best in me,
but I can only make other people impress.
I conjecture I have the blend of qualities,
but you prove I am just a drop in the ocean.
I want to enliven the spirits,
but you have already captured the imagination.
I want to excel in many ways,
but you stand up tall while I take the steps.
I want to excel you,
but I am left bereft with people longing for you.
I want to rule the world,
but the world dances to your tunes.
I want to envy you your prowess,
but I realize it's just a part of the game.

Friday, January 11, 2008

There is an I in me

If I were I, there would not be me. I am not what I am. I am not what my heart wants me to be. I am not what my conscience dictates the way I ought to be. What happens if there is only I and not me. It's all about me is true, but it's all about I sounds more apt in this world where each and every domain is surrounded by advices from you. I want to be an engineer, but my dad wants me to be a doctor. I want to be a cricketer, but my dad says there's a lot of politics involved in cricket, and ultimately turns me into an engineer. Engineer is me, but cricketer is I. Cricket is my first love, but I had to settle with this profession. I gave way to the me in I, thanks to the advices. You may have reached the pinnacle or apex of success, but somewhere down the line you'll still have a longing for your first love in life. Passions die hard, and let them so. Not many get the opportunity to do what they want to, but when you really get it let your passions rule and not the advices which really do not know what you are. Opportunities won't come, grab them when they come. Advices are always there, but follow the right ones. It is always I and not me.