Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Beauty, can it be defined?

The other day I saw a beautiful girl radiating all the features that kept me engrossed in imagining an outing with her. The image of her face keeps tickling my mind and it beckons my heart to take one more glance at her. For a while, the captivating image of this beautiful girl would fill me with loads of enthusiasm and make me forget all my troubles the small world has given me. The power of this term 'Beauty' speaks for itself when I start remembering her the very next day. No-matter what troubles I have, the image keeps lingering in my mind for quite a while. It's not the case with me alone, but with each and every individual who is living in this beautiful world. But when asked to define the term 'Beauty', it would leave each one of us with so many unanswered questions. Each one has a particular definition of this ultimate term. How can beauty be defined is the thought that has been pricking me for so many days. Is it defined on the basis of morphological characteristics, or is it defined on the basis of prowess of a persona. For, some may define it on the basis of physical appearances, and some may say that 'Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder', and some may say that 'Beauty is only skin deep.' Now analysing each and every above statement in a punctilious manner would lead to a somewhat definition to this undefined term. A beautiful personality can leave an indelible mark that cannot be erased over a period of time. So also the skills of a person can leave dumbstruck. But the ultimate trait that can hold you spellbound is the 'Character' of a person. This reminds me of a famous quote from Elmer G. Letterman stating that 'Personality can open the doors, but character keeps them open.' So beauty doesn't revolve around the physical statistics alone, but the other two traits play equal role in defining a complete personality. But the two contradicting answers I can give are
1. Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it.
2. Beauty as we feel is something indescribable; what it is or what it means can never be said.
A perfect blend of these two statements can help you make your lives beautiful.


Unknown said...

woo!!!! never thought my little bro could pen down thoughts in this way..keep going.

Satish said...

Hey dude you are "ROCKING" keep up the good work. I would like to see more from you. I want to see a post differentiating "LOVE" & "CRUSH". Buddy very soon hope to see this post.

Rajeev Turlapati said...

beauty is anything that moves the heart.for me,beauty is not just the appearance.i really can't define it but al i can say is this i look at something.i instantly get a feeling 'this is it'.i feel so pleasant.i may go on to love it...
but how long will this thing sustain!!! until we write or until we define or until we know wher it ends!!!