Each day many cases go for a trial in a court, but only a few get the right justice. We call this a parody or travesty of justice, but things won't change and can't be changed. We call this the plight of the society we are living in. The best never rules, many cases the worst wins the argument. Where are we faltering, where are the flaws, is money playing a major part in manipulation of the evidences provided to prove a person guilty? The judgement day has turned into a day of tragedy for most of them. The judgement pronounced has driven many of the innocent to the scaffolds. The call for justice is never again looked at as the call which evokes a sense of truth to abandon the evil that has masked the truth. The judgement room has shifted its reputation from a haven to a wild forest where there is survival only for the despots embedded in the clutches of fallacy. Playing a sport with the lives of people is what this so-called justice has taught us. We can hardly name a few cases where the right justice has prevailed on the innocent. This calls in for a serious glance at the way the laws have been framed and the way the false evidences have taken a toll on the lives of the innocents. A serious emendation needs to be carried on to shift the focus from the basic requirement of evidence to a complete case study where each and every plea of the inncocent client is heard. But, does it work or can we work out these strategies, can our law sustain such a sudden change, or will the so-called leaders allow such a change?
1 comment:
hmmm ask grandpa abt how many ppl(thos on trial) r bein given justice.
wat v see,largely in the political world,is dominantly focussed on criminal acts for which the happenings behind the scene r vaguely given to us.v r no judges.v make quick conclusions dat a 'judgement' is wrong.
who knows wat pressure ppl r behind!
yeah i agree,let's pity those innocent ones!
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