Monday, January 12, 2009

Love at first sight

Heard this phrase innumerable times, but never did I experience.

Four words, countless emotions, there I stood to experience the experience of a lifetime.
I wondered, I pondered, but I surrendered.
Beauty at its peak, simplicity at its best; though lasted for a moment, they made me think beyond beauty.

Beautiful she was in a pink dress, and happy my eyes were to get themselves pampered by the creator's thought.
It was all furtive glances, before my eyes entertained the thought of sneaking into her eyes.

Time and tide wait for no man.
Time passed and it was the glimpse that drove me crazy.
I followed the time and my eyes followed the beauty.

I waited till the time arrived for my thoughts to speak.
It was the time to eulogize the beauty, it was the time to get closer to the beauty, and it was the real time for the thoughts to speak.

Thoughts spoke and the answer did come.
It was then a thought into a relationship.


Rajeev Turlapati said...

well!well!well..if it's fantasy let it go over the it's reality try not to bury yourself with the feeling ;)

Unknown said...

this one s really sweet...!