Saturday, January 9, 2010

And the silence whispered!!!

Letting it last for a moment in my eyes,
I just said- here it is, something that I saw.

Letting it last for a moment in my ears,
I just said- here it is, something that I whispered to myself.

Letting it last for a moment on my lips,
I just said- here it is, something that I just want to say.

'Something that I saw, something that I witnessed, and something that I whispered'.

Letting it last, but thinking before I could let it become my past
I whispered, here it is I just want to whisper;
something in your ears and something which made me ponder for years.

There was silence all around and
Just as I thought and before I could speak, the silence whispered!!!!

For distance so near, the answer could not be more clear
she wanted me to be her dear!!!!


VAMSHI said...

abbabba... gundelni pindesnav ra mama...

Anonymous said...

nice nice...weird feeling when you hear the beat in the silence,na?

Vijayturlapati said...

yaa..that was something that initiated this thought..Silence all around and what if it speaks..came out good with a storyline...Thanks!!!