Tuesday, June 15, 2010

As I sleep

I wish I was lost. With a gentle push, my eyes see this world, as I hear a voice say 'it was dad's wish to wake you up'. Lured into this eternal bliss, I lie down again with blatant negligence and pristine ignorance to my mom's words.

Blatant negligence, never was this so pleasurable as it takes me into a pristine silence.
Pristine ignorance, never was this so blissful as it gives me happiness that has no bounds.

When past has no relevance and when future bears no significance
When pain gives no agony and when the wait is never agonizing.
Scary beasts try to wake you up, when fairy angels push you back.
Everything happens, but nothing really happens.
Just as I feel, the world around me takes shape.
Just as I see it taking shape, a sudden silence ensues and
Not knowing the reasons, my thoughts go into oblivion.
Oblivion of sleep that passes just as a dream.

Each day,
As I slip into a dreamy sleep.


Anonymous said...

you are such a fighting soul I tell you! ;)
ignorance and silence, two brotherly states of the mind, aren't they? :)
I'm a little scared seeing dad,mom and beasts trying to do something to your sleep, all at the same time ;)


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