Monday, December 3, 2007

Jack and Jill went up the hill

Deep inside, dark inside, amidst all the troubles, Jack and Jill plan to spend the rest of their life on an island isolated from the chaotic world. Jack and Jill, the couple known for their helping nature, the couple who were betrayed all the joys by their loved ones, and the couple who worked the whole day for the benefit of others, end up in debts with no savings to repay. Grief stricken, and hoping to leave this world, the couple move to the haunted island, where no one would be spared. Thinking that this would be the last journey of their life, the couple embrace each other for the last time in their life. Their journey starts with a black cat obstructing their way. The couple start unhesitatingly and confidently. Every part of their journey turns to be a nightmare, with ghastly experiences signifying their end. The couple finally reach the island surmounting all the obstacles. Ten past twelve, a huge lightning in the sky, a dark ghostly figure appears before them. Fearing nothing, and praying their deity once for all, the couple wish to sacrifice themselves. The ghostly figure slowly turns into an angelic appearance. Surprised by this the couple stare at each other. The ghostly figure turns into their diety. Not willing to accept this fact, the couple plead the deity to take them away from this chaotic world. Dumbstruck and moved by their act of sacrifice, the deity offers them all the wealth required for their happy existence and the repayment of thier debts. Surprised and happy the couple return to their home. God willing, a haunted place can turn into an angel's paradise. No one can change the fate. Everything is destined.

1 comment:

Rajeev Turlapati said...

write ur own destiny.don't tell me u r teln ppl to take things as they come instead of working for it :O
haan one thing's true: anything can happen.surprises may befall.but they might not last long.Move on...