Saturday, March 14, 2009

Life is not just

Moving at life's speed we forget what we really need.
Aspiring to be the best we forget the rest.
Goals and priorities embedded in our chest,
we develop an unending quest,
Quest that we really do not need, and quest that we really do not seek.

Moving with the quest and not wanting to be just,
we try to compete with the rest.
Failing to get a hint and not understanding the gist,
we land up slogging in the twist.

Living in illusions and not knowing the delusions,
we fail to make a resolution.
After all life is a big convolution.

Life is what you need and is not what others want you to be. Try to enjoy the subtleties of life, leaving the complexities aside..

This is not meant to be a poem


Rajeev Turlapati said...

Simple statement well told.A tickle at life rather..
nice nice...poem or no poem the essence is there...

Vijayturlapati said...

Thanks bro..

Anonymous said...

I appreciate that

Nia said...

very succinct... :)