Friday, December 21, 2007
Religious but not empathetic
Not often do my thoughts provoke me into this kind of stuff that is quite thought provoking in the minds of people particular about pompous religious ceremonies. I really do not know if I am correct in putting down my thoughts about the way a particular belief should be. Being a religious person, I see some reason behind performing all these ceremonies for the well being of self. But being an empathetic person, I see some reason and pleasure in spending for the sake of the upliftment of race rather than sole. Now being both ways sounds quite ambiguous. I decided that I would rather be the latter after seeing the conditions of the bereaved or betrayed souls. There might be quite a number of reasons for a person to trust god. This trust develops into a belief when his desires get fulfilled, and this belief slowly translates into total obesiance without self-belief. This obeisance is accompanied with all the religious offerings which tranform the religious ceremony into a ceremony with pomp and glitter which even the gods above would envy. This slowly turns into a hobby by believing that an offering to god would fetch you everything that you crave for. The person starts to become more religious by not being empathetic. The same offering is not made to a trust which looks after the people who are left with nothing in life. The sole reason the person starts to think in this way is because of Obesiance without self-belief. It might be true that offerings to god could be translated into people's fund, but helping a person who is really in need brings more meaning to life rather than craving for pleasures which are predestined and not offering based. I would be an atheist by helping people rather than a theist who is self conceited. Do good and be good, that is what makes you superior to everyone.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
The mischief of truth: A bit radical of course
Truth is light, always speak truth and it will never let you down, heard these great statements from great philosophers, but never tried to follow them all the time. Always truth has been associated with light and lie with darkness. Putting an end to bad deeds and following righteous path, is what we have been taught since the time of our birth. Honesty is the best policy, hope so, but being fraudulent does no harm sometimes. Many a time a human being is encountered with situations where only the result matters and not the reality. Each day, each moment, there is a lie prevailing in some corner of our mind to avoid awkward solutions to a real problem. This maybe because of the existent truth in a false statement, that avoids all conflicts in this world of conflicting thoughts. Every activity of ours revolves around underlying artificiality. Practise what you preach is heard but not practised. The moment we arrive at a point where we need to decide between truth and false, we try to associate each term with its after effects. The weightage of each term is then jotted down and the decision is made basing on the results that arise from it. Happy that the outcomes are fruitful, but not sad because the origin is a lie. The result matters as far as the progress is concerned, but not the reality. This might be the thinking of a radical person. Follow rules, go by them, this might be the thinking of a philosopher and a righteous person. Different people, different opinions, always there's place for everything in this world. Don't impose restrictions and rules, but allow people to follow their will.
Friday, December 7, 2007
The inner sense
Invention for a cause seems apt these days as it lures people to invent new things for a better living. Charismatic appeal, dusky look and an awesome figure is what each girl longs for in the process of growth into a full-fledged female. Not all of them are entitled for dusky look as it has a special place for itself in defining a typical attractive female. Since time immemorial this gender has occupied a special place in the hearts of the dominant male gender. The dominance seems to lose ground in the presence of a beautiful smile from a beautiful female. What makes them so charismatic, what makes them leave an indelible mark for days together in the hearts of Males, are the questions I ask myself. Is it the soft corner for this gender, or is it the attraction of their entire personality? This question made me think about the latter. What do these people have that attracts us so much. Not again, it's neither the attraction nor their typical personality. It is simply the inner sense which most of the males lack when it comes to the finer aspects. Maybe it sounds like attitude, maybe it sounds like confidence, but it is true. Personality speaks for itself when it is accompanied with the inner sense that rules your senses. Hide everything is the philosophy followed by females, reveal everything is the philosophy followed by males. So always look into the eyes. Eyes never hide anything. As a male chauvinist, my sincere advice to male gender is that they should try and develop this inner sense to achieve supremacy over this female gender.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Jack and Jill went up the hill
Deep inside, dark inside, amidst all the troubles, Jack and Jill plan to spend the rest of their life on an island isolated from the chaotic world. Jack and Jill, the couple known for their helping nature, the couple who were betrayed all the joys by their loved ones, and the couple who worked the whole day for the benefit of others, end up in debts with no savings to repay. Grief stricken, and hoping to leave this world, the couple move to the haunted island, where no one would be spared. Thinking that this would be the last journey of their life, the couple embrace each other for the last time in their life. Their journey starts with a black cat obstructing their way. The couple start unhesitatingly and confidently. Every part of their journey turns to be a nightmare, with ghastly experiences signifying their end. The couple finally reach the island surmounting all the obstacles. Ten past twelve, a huge lightning in the sky, a dark ghostly figure appears before them. Fearing nothing, and praying their deity once for all, the couple wish to sacrifice themselves. The ghostly figure slowly turns into an angelic appearance. Surprised by this the couple stare at each other. The ghostly figure turns into their diety. Not willing to accept this fact, the couple plead the deity to take them away from this chaotic world. Dumbstruck and moved by their act of sacrifice, the deity offers them all the wealth required for their happy existence and the repayment of thier debts. Surprised and happy the couple return to their home. God willing, a haunted place can turn into an angel's paradise. No one can change the fate. Everything is destined.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Made for each other or money for each other
Had it not been for money, it would have been the Barter system for exchange of goods and services. Money has been dominating every stage of our lives ever since it took the place of Barter system. Exchange of a good for another good is what termed as the Barter system. A slight transformation has been made and this system has been transformed to purchasing goods by means of notes and coins. It has become easy ever since money came into existence. Everything without any exception can be purchased with the help of money. A father, a mother, their progeny, and a good bank balance make a complete and happy family. Gender discrimination in their progeny requires the parents to have loads of cash in their account. This system demands cash as well as the goods from one side, a lopsided theory. Had it been Barter system, it would have been better. Male gender and a female gender, two sources of exchange. Development not for the betterment but for degradation. After all these years of development, I thought that the system would change and people would become more refined leaving all the superstitions, but it has worsened. Is it because of the supremacy of the Caste system, or is it because of the supremacy of the male gender? Here comes the question, love and marriage or money and marriage. Caste and money, or bride and bridegroom. Money is imperative for existence, but not for marriage. Bride and bridegroom are getting married and not money and the family. Think twice before you marry a person because you are marrying money and not the person. Relationship with money sounds awkward. It is money for each other and not made for each other.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Jackson's Apartment, Flat no 13
Hungarian blues, an American night, and now this is Flat no 13-Jackson's apartment. Radical or superstitious, not often do people come across a situation where they need to decide which way to go. This was the situation encountered by a newly married couple who are ready to embark on their wonderful journey called 'LIFE'. Lawrence and Elisa got married in Los angeles, had their honeymoon on the beautiful Hungarian island and now returned to start a new journey in life. A beautiful villa in the Jackson's apartment at the cheapest price, Flat no 13, and the same apartment in a rather low class locality at double the price. Tempted by the offer Lawrence purchased this villa and the couple started their life afresh.
A baby in 1 year time, everything going on at a quick pace, the couple were enjoying life to the maximum. Everything changed one day, a guest turned their dreams into a nightmare by revealing about the past this very aprartment has. Everything that he revealed was not right, in fact only 2 % was right and the rest all was the spice added to the story. Not willing to leave this apartment which had been giving them all the happiness in life, Lawrence stayed in the apartment fearing everything in life. Things changed suddenly, Elisa had met with an accident, fortunately she was saved with major head injuries. Doctors prescribed a 6 months bed rest for his beautiful spouse. This accident made him all the more vulnerable to all the misdoings, Lawrence had soon been depromoted to a lower cader. Immediately Jackson changed his place of stay to a house in the next lane and this time it was flat no 12. The next day his daughter suffered serious attack of cholera, but soon recovered. The next day Jackson enquired about the very apartment he had stayed in. Everything in contrary to the guest came into light. It was not as horrific as what the guest had described to them. What would this mean?
It is all in the mind, mind rules your senses and makes you do all the mistakes. Elisa was driving with all her mind preoccupied with the facts revealed by the guest, Lawrence did not concentrate on his work and had been depromoted. And her daughter suffering from cholera was due to the unhygenic food taken by her when her mother was bedridden. See what role the guest had played in making the family face a horrific life for two years. Another family enters this apartment and the same story repeats and this time it was a ghost and not a guest. Would you live in this apartment if given a chance?
A baby in 1 year time, everything going on at a quick pace, the couple were enjoying life to the maximum. Everything changed one day, a guest turned their dreams into a nightmare by revealing about the past this very aprartment has. Everything that he revealed was not right, in fact only 2 % was right and the rest all was the spice added to the story. Not willing to leave this apartment which had been giving them all the happiness in life, Lawrence stayed in the apartment fearing everything in life. Things changed suddenly, Elisa had met with an accident, fortunately she was saved with major head injuries. Doctors prescribed a 6 months bed rest for his beautiful spouse. This accident made him all the more vulnerable to all the misdoings, Lawrence had soon been depromoted to a lower cader. Immediately Jackson changed his place of stay to a house in the next lane and this time it was flat no 12. The next day his daughter suffered serious attack of cholera, but soon recovered. The next day Jackson enquired about the very apartment he had stayed in. Everything in contrary to the guest came into light. It was not as horrific as what the guest had described to them. What would this mean?
It is all in the mind, mind rules your senses and makes you do all the mistakes. Elisa was driving with all her mind preoccupied with the facts revealed by the guest, Lawrence did not concentrate on his work and had been depromoted. And her daughter suffering from cholera was due to the unhygenic food taken by her when her mother was bedridden. See what role the guest had played in making the family face a horrific life for two years. Another family enters this apartment and the same story repeats and this time it was a ghost and not a guest. Would you live in this apartment if given a chance?
Friday, November 23, 2007
Legacy, hype or real potential?
Survival of the best, or survival of the fittest, as propounded by Darwin's theory, seems to lose ground in this present generation. The best never rules, the better with a handful of hype and publicity is ruling the roost. Opportunities never come, but grab them when they come is the philosophical adage followed by our greats who have reached the peak of their careers. Success, power, money, are the three things that have been the criteria for defining the big, powerful and the omnipresent. Recognising a person's caliber, giving it a bit of publicity, facilitating his growth, and idolising him as your sole role model, are the practices seen here and there in almost all the fields. Good to have a person whom you would idolise and try to strive hard in building up your career. But recognising talent goes hand in hand with the hype created by the society, facilitating a person's growth goes hand in hand with the legacy behind him, giving the right opportunity to him is directly associated with his bank balance. The trend commonly followed in the so-called hyped bollywood or Tollywood, these days. The father and the son combination is a big hit amongst the poor audiences. A great piece of publicity by the starry father is enough to give his son starry airs. Good amount of publicity has been created, the next task is a little bit of hardwork, which anyone could do if given an opportunity, to supplement the publicity. A great screen presence with the son and father standing side by side hits the theaters. Audiences throng the theaters hoping to see the father in the son. The gullible public feel that he has in fact stood up to the expectations of his father, but not true. It is just because we have associated him with his father. Audience need to change and they are changing by recognising new faces that have no hype. A change for a good cause. Still a lot has to be changed. Recognise talent individually, not basing on the legacy a person has. All the hype and publicity is sure to create an illusory world of illustrious happenings.
Psyche of a psycho
Pyschotic, despotic, opinionated, prejudiced. Have any of you have these qualities. Well, most of us have and in fact a lot of them. A perfect dude or dudette can never happen, and similarly a totally imperfect human being never exists. In this fantasy world everything goes down to the way we imagine things. But what makes people imagine things, what makes them change from the way they used to be, to the way they are or the way they wanted to, to the way they detest. It is the just the perception of the things happening in and around our vicinity, it is just the impact of the conditions prevailing in and around us. Perception differs from person to person, the same situation can be perceived in countless number of ways. But only a few lead us to the right path. This is called the perception of a normal or a noteworthy character. The other ways of perceiving may lead us to the “ROAD NEVER TAKEN”. “ROAD NEVER TAKEN”, a deserted path not preferred by many. Now imagine traversing this path, at least once, how would it be? The outomes may not be as fruitful as we thought they would be. Living in despair, succumbing to failures, suffering pangs of agony, seeing all the joys go by us without even having a glance at us, does this turn you into a kind of psychotic human being or is it by birth a psychotic human being takes shape. What exactly is the psyche of a psycho? A nomal person changing his normal attitude into the way that make people drudge this character. This is purely based on the circumstances and anyone at any point of time can turn psycho, so beware of that fact. Each person is pyschotic in his/her own sense.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Love or lust
A trendy jeans outfit and a striking T-shirt with all funky accessories, Mr. Rahul is all set to rock the college in his purely innovative style of dressing. Style speaks for itself and Rahul has this ability to make style redefine itself according to his wishes. An ability that only a few have got. The first day of college is always a memorable day for anyone and it is in fact the day that changed his life. An innate sense of style is sure to turn many heads and this guy did turn many heads on the first day of college. And one among the persons who got attracted towards this guy is Ms. Esha, an apt girl for this guy, many would think, on seeing them together. Attraction on the first day and this beckons more glances to satiate the thirst to draw his vision. Not a bad idea, and in fact, an ideal of life, to make it beautiful. But, this is not the case of a single day, Ms. Esha is now totally flattered by his sense of style, and this made her give more importance to her personal attire. An absolutely ravishing outfits, with all the glitterings and a great feeling of someone getting attracted to her made her life all the more beautiful. Call it Lust in a sense. Should I? No, do not make that mistake, Please call it love, but how? It's just a pure attraction some may say, and some may draw a relation between the two by saying that Lust gives rise to love. I am not sure which way it is? I would put it this way. Maybe it is love, maybe it is lust. This is just based on personal opinions at that moment and you can't judge by reading this, you need to encounter a situation like this and just see how difficult it is going to be. If anyone of you has encountered a situation like this, please relate that to this blog, and then try to make a decision. Lust has nothing to lose, but love can change your life. It can create miracles, and diasters as well.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
D txt tht Rules d wrld
Scintillating responses for a scintillating program, did you see the response for the outstanding performance of the young lad from the Scandanavian island? I did see that and it was outstanding. This is the text of the person bearing no constraints of space and time. Did u c d rspnse 4 d outstndng prfrmnce f d yung lad frm d scndnavin islnd? Hahaha, funny, how about trying this text to cut short d use f wrds. Oh man I am mising out on many shorcuts in life. Let's adopt these shortcuts to make our lives easier. This might be the origin of Short or Sweet messaging service, a wonderful means of shortcut communication. It amazes me that people are developing so rapidly in developing the simplest form of language. Well, we have in fact got accustomed to travel by displacement rather than by distance. Distance is always greater or equal to displacement. This fundemental is rooted so strongly in our brains that we always try to go by this wherever we are. Displacement rules, but distance is the mother of displacement. In a similar fashion Short texts can be used, but the long and actual usage can't be replaced, at least where it is required. The practice of using these shortcut services makes us forget the long form of words. I hope you don't get used to these shorcuts to a great extent and better not for a better living.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
This blog rocks
It was rocking, simply, yeah I did see the party, it was absolutely rocking, and the girl in the white dress was really rocking. Of course she was rocking. Did you watch the recent release of Shah rukh khan? Well, oh man he was rocking with the six pack abs. Rocking, rocking , rocking, everything in this world without a blemish rocks. The usage of this word "Rocking" has become so popular in the parlance of English language that it is almost always used by each and every person to describe anything that captures your senses. Not ruling out fact that language has been tuned according to our comfort levels, but there is something what you call the rules of the language and redundancy. Rocking is the kind of word that is universally accepted, but same is not the case of other words. The so-called trend setters are making the language lose its charm by the excessive usage of high funda words where it is not appropriate. This is because I have seen such cases prevailing in the so-called testimonials you write for your friends, and in the scraps in the social networking sites, to give an appearance of a scholarly person. Use the words according to the usage that has been followed for ages, not according to the whims and fancies. Rules are rules as far as the language is concerned. When we speak everything is accepted, but when we write everything is a mistake. I hope that this blog rocks.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Egocentric, am I?

Generations may pass, but the thoughts remain the same. Times may change, but the egoistic feelings remain the same. Men may grow, but the ruler always wants to be a ruler. Love may transcend boundaries, but power will not. This is called the 'Underlying egoism' in the hearts of the so-called compassionate people.
Progress to the mankind has made lives simpler and realising to this fact takes a hell lot of time for the generations that are still living in midst of orthodoxy. Human being is an embodiment of conflicting and wavering thoughts. Mind changes the focus according to the convenience of the soul by violating the promises of its ownself. Mind gives justification for this by preparing a convenient answer that would go against the conscience. But egocentric feeling dampens the conscience of thought and makes the survival of the fittest possible i.e. the ultimate acts which you would repent of after committing.
The balance of thoughts and acts strike the right chord when the balance of the heart and mind strike the right chord. It's not the mind that always rules, think from your heart and perform the acts so as not to repent of them afterwards.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
A journey into the past
Life is a journey, enjoy it.
Life is a challenge, face it.
These great sayings often bring some courage in our lives, but not all that an alma-matter gives when you say that you are an alumnus of an institution that has got everything to its credit to mould you into characters that will not crumble when tested in the crucible of time.
Twenty one years have gone since the time of my birth, but 12 years, the longest part of my life, have been spent in my school which boasts of being the sole and committed teacher in my life. I happened to visit this temple after a long gap of 6 years, when I tried to recapitulate all the sweet moments that have been associated with this alma-matter. Time and tide wait for none is true when it comes to these sweet memories that are associated with your school life. I was pretty fortunate for having spent all my school life in a single school, where I developed into something that I am today. Never thought that tears would roll out of my eyes one day when I happen to visit after a long gap, but they did. Tears did roll out when I met a few teachers who still remember me attending their classes with an eager ear for knowledge. I felt like I was in a secure tall building, silhouetted against the sky, where no one could conquer. My mind was filled with this sheer longing for those old days to spruce up my life once again. Utterly bitterly miss those nanna munna days. Oh dear!!!!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Couldn't get a better one

Cricket, cricket, Cricket..The real definition of the game can be given basing on a real cracker of the game, ICC T20 finals between India and Pakistan-Venue: Johanesberg. Every match that India plays is associated with much passion and reverence towards the game, but a match between India and Pakistan is an entirely different ball-game. An outstanding enthusiasm in the field is all what it takes to win matches for your country. This has been proved time and again by the young boys of the cricketing world by beating the four formidable teams on the trot and clinching the most coveted trophy. Everyone knows that cricket is a religion in India, but everyone witnessed it on the night of 25th september 2007 when India outperformed its arch rivals Pakistan. The fortunes favoured both teams till the last moment, but the 3rd ball made the difference. India won the match by a margin of 5 runs. Since time immemorial a match between India and Pakistan has always been exciting, and when it comes to world cup finals it brings back all the age old rivalry between the two teams. Everything is fair in love and war, and so this game was a real war with an adrenaline rush of each and every Indian as well as Pakistani. Nothing could be said till the last moment when Misbal-Hak mistimed one straight into the hands of Sreesanth. India won the ICC-20 20 World cup under the stewardship of young captain from Jharkand. Each team fought like a real warrior and, as said there should be some amount of luck in every endeavour of yours, the dame luck favoured Indians on that day, not to rule out the hard work. Had the fielder not been placed in the fine-leg the Cup could have gone into the hands of pakistanis. The day was ours and we won the world cup with an unstinting effort and great leadership..Hope that this continues in every tournament and every sport not only Cricket.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
A ticket to heaven
India, the land of rich cultural heritage, the land of varied cultures and traditions, has carved a place for itself in this world as the land of values and principles. I am proud to be an Indian and would do anything for keeping up the name of my country is an emotional outburst we hear of every partriotic Indian's mouth. Good to see that spirit ruling your senses and reminding you to persist with your goals. India is thriving hard to compete in every field and it is in fact standing out to be the best among its competitors. We, Indians are considered to be a group of intelligentsia who would face any challenge given to them under any cirumstances. Great to hear the news of our Indians thriving in foreign soil. But did we really stand out unique in the finer aspects which have got nothing to do with the engineering skills but the skills to structure your life? Amidst this concrete world we are leaving a few stones unturned. Certain issues have never been dealt till date and are still persisting unheeded by many.The major issue concerns the evil which brought together many revolutionaries, the evil which has ruined the lives of many young married woman, and the evil which has spanned generations, the Dowry system. Every parent knows about this system, but when it comes to the marital bliss they forget everything and are ready to offer or take dowry as a token of gift. Well, a good way to rename an evil, thanks to the language. This is an evidence to the fact that money rules the world, money takes the place of love when it comes to uniting two souls in heaven, as said by many. It is common dear, you need to offer dowry, or else you are not fit for marriage is the trend that has been followed by many parents for generations. Parents of the bride are ready to offer and parents of the bride-groom are ready to take, to hoard it for future purposes. Marriages are made in heaven, but money is the key to heaven, well a ticket to heaven...Hurry up offer may close if anyone who offers more dowry comes and grabs it. Sounds silly in this 21st century, but you do have a few cases.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Religion Or Comfort
Is it craving comfort by worshipping idols, or is it being fanatical about one's religion come what may, is it for pleasures which we crave, or is it really to attain salvation? Well, most of us are selfish in our own ways. To be frank no one is a sadhu santh who would worship for the well being of the entire human race, be frank guys. Each one first looks after his/her family and then the thought reaches toward the rest of the population. This very fact itself is enough to state that humans are embodiments of selfishness, lust, and cruelty. No denying the fact please. The next thought that comes to my mind is whether it is religion first or comfort. How many of us are really adhering to the traditions and customs that have been in the forefront for ages? Hardly a few. This gives rise to the debatable point that whether westernisation can be adopted in a world where everything has been westernised. The controversies that surround this fact are the disputes that take place between the 'STRINGENT' followers of religion and the public on the issues of celebration that has its roots in the Ancient Greece, " The Velentines Day". The moment this day arrives, the VHP guys are on the prowl to shut down the shops which encourage such type of celebrations. To an extent it might sound good to all those netas, but does it in anyway help people? Has it been mentioned anywhere in the mythological stories that 'Love' between two souls is not an integral part of religion, and that expressing love is not in the ethical codes of this religion? I guess not. The reason might be that these guys want to reduce the number of people who are having scant respect for the religion, and this is in fact a fact. We Hindus by nature are kind hearted people who are a bit volatile when it comes to Religious issues. But destruction of people's stand on certain aspects could not only turn people against these activists but also deviate them from the righteous path. Let people enjoy to a certain extent. Adopting principles from alien societies that do no harm to the society will not have any seriously ill effects
Friday, September 7, 2007
In sync
Well, the other day I saw a few reviews about the movie Ramu ki Aag on the television. I was quite astonished by the fact that people had a very bad opinion about the remakes this present generation directors are making. Hmm, there are a certain amount of facts that underlie people's bad opinions, but do these facts really matter in a generation where everyone tries to remain in sync with the trends and the trend setters? In all the reviews the common view people shared was that the director had marred the reputation of the movie. Poor director is facing the brunt of making a REMAKE of an Epic. An ace and Maverick director who never makes films that are run of the mill and routine type has been pestered to give justification for making such a film. At this point in time I would just point out a few facts about the attitude people are having toward this Remakes. Of course remakes are based upon an old plot that has already been used in the orginal film, of course remakes carry the same old fragrance of its parent, but the only thing they do not have in common is the star-cast and the crew behind them. When people knew everything beforehand, then why did they expect the director to come out with an entirely new script that would live up to their expectations, why did they go and watch the movie and start complaining about it? The movie is in accordance with the present style, present trends rather that the age old ones. That is it. He might have faltered in certain aspects, but he tried his best in bringing out an entirely new dimension to the REMAKE. The universal truth is that REMAKES are REMAKES and they will not stand up to the expectations. So, better not to play with the epics, maybe this is the lesson he might have learnt from this bold step he had taken of 'PLAYING WITH AAG'. Guess, this would be his next film in order to jot down all the experiences he had with this venture.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Blasts that trigger compassion

The recent carnage and bloodshed that had taken place in Hyderabad triggered all the compassion and love in each one of us for all those who lost their lives and those who are struggling to come out from the affliction this ghastly incident had inflicted on their lives..The incident took place in the heart of the city when everyone was busy with their regular chores. Not many would have thought that the culprits would place the bombs at such lively locations which boast of the tradition the great city holds...viz. Gokul chat, the prime location for chat in the city and which each one knows right from a small kid to an eighty year old man. The Menu which this chat bhandar offers is sure to stimulate any jaded palate. It was around 7:30 in the evening of 25th august, the pangs of death have stung the poor and innocent who were celebrating a sumptuous and delectable meal in this cuisine. Suddenly, there were bodies lying all around in a pool of blood for the god of death to satiate his voracious appetite. The lives of people have been shattered, many lost their husbands, a few their children who were about to reach home and lie in the lap of their mother after a tiresome day. Poor mother would never have imagined that it would be a dead soul that would breathe its last in her lap. The other incident that took place was at the Lumbini Park, around same time, just a few minutes difference..This was actually the first blast that took place. People were enjoying the Laser show that was being held there as a part of its schedule. A sudden blast, that is it, there were bodies everywhere lying in a pool of blood. Everything was being telecast on the Television sets, and our hearts were filled with love and compassion for all those who had lost their lives. This is the end, compassion begets compassion, but this is a never ending story..Each day ends with a sigh of relief that nothing ghastly has taken place today. We have literally lost the security for our lives... We have seen these things happen here and there and now and then. Is there anyone who could find a solution to this never ending problem of terrorism? Let's hope..
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
HELLO friend, this is a blog that gives importance to some niceties in life which we seldom care to give importance. This is all about gestures and their serendipitous discoveries. A few gestures we use depict a personality, but 'HELLO' is something which each and every person in this world uses to start off a conversation. The gesture that helps you get acquainted with a person, the gesture that has united the entire world irrespective of the different national languages each country has got, the gesture that holds a unique distinction of making people forget all the rivalry and uniting them together. But, have you ever imagined about the invention of this word?, maybe it is a well known fact. All inventions need not be intentional, a few are serendipitous and this is one among the few. Kudos to the man who invented the TELEPHONE which we now use to unite the world. One of the greatest inventions that can be traced down to the period when Grahambell was working to make an instrument for the hearing impaired and ended up inventing this absolutely marvellous device THE TELEPHONE. Now to make it complete you need to test that and he started communicating with his wife by spelling out her name 'HELLO'. Never in her life she would have imagined that her name would be remembered for ages. Some things are destined to make a mark.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
A travesty of justice....

Each day many cases go for a trial in a court, but only a few get the right justice. We call this a parody or travesty of justice, but things won't change and can't be changed. We call this the plight of the society we are living in. The best never rules, many cases the worst wins the argument. Where are we faltering, where are the flaws, is money playing a major part in manipulation of the evidences provided to prove a person guilty? The judgement day has turned into a day of tragedy for most of them. The judgement pronounced has driven many of the innocent to the scaffolds. The call for justice is never again looked at as the call which evokes a sense of truth to abandon the evil that has masked the truth. The judgement room has shifted its reputation from a haven to a wild forest where there is survival only for the despots embedded in the clutches of fallacy. Playing a sport with the lives of people is what this so-called justice has taught us. We can hardly name a few cases where the right justice has prevailed on the innocent. This calls in for a serious glance at the way the laws have been framed and the way the false evidences have taken a toll on the lives of the innocents. A serious emendation needs to be carried on to shift the focus from the basic requirement of evidence to a complete case study where each and every plea of the inncocent client is heard. But, does it work or can we work out these strategies, can our law sustain such a sudden change, or will the so-called leaders allow such a change?
Sunday, June 3, 2007
What's in a name...
Name, a well-defined entity we use for addressing people, something we use to give an information regarding a particular person or place or whatever. Is it just that or has it got anything to do with the psyche of a person? This has been argued for quite a long time and people often get offended when they feel that their name has got no punch. This is an understandable viewpoint but not the sole reason to get offended. The reason they get offended might be multitudinous, might be that they undermine themselves, might be they feel that they are inferior to their fellowmates and it might be that their name lacks the punch. The last one might not be of that great importance to everyone but for a few. I've seen people feel awkward when they hear their names being called out, I've seen them asking for a change in their name in their birth certificates and so on and so forth. In the Indian tradition the bride adopts the family name of the groom's after marriage. Is it trying to achieve supremacy over the bride's family or is it being too passionate about one's family name or is it asking her to put an end to the life she has lived so far with her parents? I still don't understand why the hell she has to change her family name. Is it a tradition that's common everywhere or is it a tradition that we have developed because of the so-called renaming mania and the superstitions that revolve around our lives. Everyone please try to put an end to this renaming mania. What's in a name as said by Shakesphere, it is all the caliber and the skill that is required and not a good and beautiful name alone.
When darkness speaks...

How would it look when there's no light and only darkness? How would it look when you are in the midst of darkness and no one around you to solace? What if the day starts with a night? What if we all turn nocturnalz? All these questions arise when darkness throws light into our lives. Must be thinking how darkness can throw light on our lives. It is a bit unrealistic to imagine darkness throwing light into our lives but it is the way of imagining darkness enter our lives without any prior notice. Yes, light has something to boast about, but has darkness got anything to its credit? It has, and in fact it has a lot. Ya it is a sign of putting an end to the delighted season of lights, but if we just try to analyse it,it is just an ephermal darkness which appears in the midst of boastful revelry of lights. Never ever criticize darkness for having entered your lives, it is just a begining of fresh season of lights. Everything happens for a reason and similarly darkness. The evanescent problems of darkness need to be surmounted with a delightful heart for a better and permanent bliss of light.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
All about Rosy

A beautiful girl trying to reconcile with her boyfriend ends up losing her virginity. Does this relationship continue for a long time or is this relationship going to sustain for the whole of her lifetime? This all happened with a small tiff between the two. Right from the start of the relationship Rosy was always at the back of her boyfriend trying to please him in whatever way possible so that he would accept her. But the poor girl never knew that he was playing a ball with her. One fine day, it so happened, that she proposed to this guy, and the guy, having said that he was playing with her, accepted her proposal putting her life at stake. Everything went on well for a few days and as said all good things come to an end one day, they both started to fight over a trivial issue and soon the relationship was not in existence. But this poor girl loved him so much that she stooped to an extent of losing her virginity in the hope that he would accept her. But he has nothing to lose, he has taken life out of her and left her desolate and tattered with no attempt to reconcile with her spoilt life. Never trifle with anyone's affections and never indulge in any relationships without having a second thought. All that glitters is not gold.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Sense Vs Non-sense......

Interesting rite, well in fact it is. What is sense and what is non-sense? Can anyone answer this question? We often do say that he is a non-sense person, he talks all non-sense, come on man let's talk sense. Something sense can be made absolutely non-sense when talked to a nonsense person and something nonsense can be made sense when talked to a nonsense person.. So always a sensible person is ruling the roost.... This is the principle we try to follow and we often take people for granted and even term them as sensible or non-sensible persons. Let us recall once again that the world's greatest discoveries were scoffed at without any exception.. They were ridiculed as absolutely nonsense until experimental proofs proved them right and there on all the so-called nonsense people were looked at as an epitome of success. So the ultimate lesson you learn is that sense evolves from nonsense, that doesn't mean that everything non-sense can make sense. We need to inculcate the power of discrimination of sense from nonsense, if at all it has any.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
A snap for a shock
This blog is quite related to the present day trend where in people have lost the ethics and the etiquettes that are required when moving in a crowd. The advent of technology has to an extent played a spoilsport in the lives of people leading a healthy and happy life. As an evidence to this fact I would like to relate an incident where I saw a few people in the bus stop taking photographs of a rather good looking girl without her permission and without her notice. Now in this particular incident she was with a guy, guy maybe anything to her doesn't matter, but if the snap is taken this would give an impression to the people standing around that they are in a compromising situation. And to my utter dismay these things happen every now and then and each one of us observes these things happening in and around our vicinity and we don't even try to eliminate such unprohibited activities. This raises a question that, has technology entered into the privacy of our lives? The answer is yes and these things cannot be curbed unless and until stringent laws are made and the attitude of the public is made to change. So all you people out there, if you come across any such situation please make sure that it never goes unheeded
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
The letter A

Thoughts and speech go hand in hand for a wonderful orator. A great orator is always the one who lends his precious ears to the thoughts of other persons and the one who never irks the listeners with his incongruous remarks when questions are posed. But, what are the traits that are required to lead you towards this stature of a great orator? A great orator needs a good grip over the language to keep the listeners hooked on to their seats. Some say language is not a barrier, but when it comes to proper articulation, language is a tool. This drives me to write a few lines describing about the letter which gives a start to the beautiful English language. The letter 'A'. The letter which ranks first among the alphabets, the letter which makes its presence felt in almost all the words and the letter which makes people handicapped when not used in their articulation. The amazing word gives an absolutely awesome punch to your existence when you start your day with 'A' smile. Imagine this sentence without the letter 'A', rather stark right. Had the alphabets of the language started with any other word other than 'A' the language would have lost the charm. Maybe this is my way of giving importance to this word, but after just reading this even you would realize that 'A' letter makes all the difference and particularly this letter 'A'.
Naughty girl....
Hmmmm, the very phrase itself started the flow of thoughts in my mind, whether it might be good or the ones what everyone thinks when we hear the phrase. I know what sort of ideas flow in your mind when you just add the word 'Naughty' to the word 'girl'. If you separate the words, then you would never get these thoughts into your mind. But why this drastic transformation of the meaning when you append a few such words to this little girl? Well, the answer would be simple. There is a tinge of naughtiness in our personality which creates all the naughty thoughts which stoop to an extent of redefining the word 'girl' in a naughty sense. Everyone likes to have a naughty approach towards a girl of his choice under the basic premise that girl is always decent and down to earth. Why are there different rules being framed for both. Is it the girl who always needs to curtail all her naughty thoughts before she settles down with a naughty person of her choice? Absolutely not. The same rule holds good for the men in this male dominant society. But before we go any such further, let's redefine this word 'Naughty girl' and give a pristine meaning to it. A 'Naughty girl' can be any girl who is rather fresh in her ideas, more energetic, more radical in her approach towards life and a bit naughty when it comes to sensual matters with the person of her choice. Every person is naughty in this naughty world...a bit too frank right, but this is the fact.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
As crazy as it gets...
Crazy about cars, crazy about bikes, crazy about famous personalities, drooling over people whom we like, ever imagined why every domain of our life is linked with this word crazy? Well, I did. Life is a journey which asks for some variety. Each day brings new thoughts into our mind which drive us crazy. Every person in this world can't see his life going in a stale fashion, rather seeks for some spice to get away with the monotony. To keep ourselves in good stead, we indulge in all sorts of recreational activities. This can be a sport, music, any activity of our choice, each vying with the other to be written down in the list. Keeping ourselves abreast of all the happenings in these recreational fields sometimes involves us so much that we imagine ourselves to have reached the pinnacle of success in these fields. To do so we need a role model in a particular field who has already reached this point and we try to emulate him in every aspect. This gives rise to the fact that we are crazy about this person or you are passionate about this activity. In an attempt of emulating we may sometimes lose our consciousness of thoughts and may lead ourselves to a disastrous end. Craziness should always lead you to glory and not to an abysmal depth of failure. Everthing in life has got a certain limit and similarly craziness. If craziness exceeds craziness then our lives will face a crazy end.
Friday, May 11, 2007
A smile
Days may pass, things may turn upside down, but I go on forever is the strong adage I believe in......Is it really possible to keep your spirits high throughout your life irrespective of the hardships you face is the question I put to myself before preaching this to anyone....Then an answer strikes in my mind with a smile on my face....oh dear, but what is the answer? It's quite simple. It is the response you have reflected on your face before finding the real answer, 'A beautiful smile.' Yes dear, this is a fact. The happiness is reflected on our face by the smile we don, an achievement is reciprocated by a smile, a smile dons our face the moment we reap the fruits of success. But this is not the case always. Things may tumble, everyday may not be ours and we may succumb to pressures that really take us to the abyss of sorrow. The distress caused translates the smile into an agony. Things may further worsen in times of distress by worrying about them and this may leave us out of sorts in every aspect, even that are not pertinent to our agony. But a smile at this moment can really help things calm down. It may not be a panacea to all the problems, but it does help you remember your strenghts and implore you to try once again to achieve what you wanted to. Just try to remember that we have embarked on this beautiful journey called 'Life' with a smile on our face and see that it continues for the whole of our lifetime. "A smile can change the destiny."
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Beauty, can it be defined?
The other day I saw a beautiful girl radiating all the features that kept me engrossed in imagining an outing with her. The image of her face keeps tickling my mind and it beckons my heart to take one more glance at her. For a while, the captivating image of this beautiful girl would fill me with loads of enthusiasm and make me forget all my troubles the small world has given me. The power of this term 'Beauty' speaks for itself when I start remembering her the very next day. No-matter what troubles I have, the image keeps lingering in my mind for quite a while. It's not the case with me alone, but with each and every individual who is living in this beautiful world. But when asked to define the term 'Beauty', it would leave each one of us with so many unanswered questions. Each one has a particular definition of this ultimate term. How can beauty be defined is the thought that has been pricking me for so many days. Is it defined on the basis of morphological characteristics, or is it defined on the basis of prowess of a persona. For, some may define it on the basis of physical appearances, and some may say that 'Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder', and some may say that 'Beauty is only skin deep.' Now analysing each and every above statement in a punctilious manner would lead to a somewhat definition to this undefined term. A beautiful personality can leave an indelible mark that cannot be erased over a period of time. So also the skills of a person can leave dumbstruck. But the ultimate trait that can hold you spellbound is the 'Character' of a person. This reminds me of a famous quote from Elmer G. Letterman stating that 'Personality can open the doors, but character keeps them open.' So beauty doesn't revolve around the physical statistics alone, but the other two traits play equal role in defining a complete personality. But the two contradicting answers I can give are
1. Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it.
2. Beauty as we feel is something indescribable; what it is or what it means can never be said.
A perfect blend of these two statements can help you make your lives beautiful.
1. Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it.
2. Beauty as we feel is something indescribable; what it is or what it means can never be said.
A perfect blend of these two statements can help you make your lives beautiful.
An Evening in Paris

PARIS, one of the most picturesque locations on this planet, is very much associated with "THE EIFFEL TOWER", the most amazing and beautiful architectural wonder which gives an opportunity to boast about the progress that the mankind has achieved right from the start of civilization. "THE EIFFEL TOWER", the place where we can spend the whole day looking at it in AWE and WONDER, and elevating our spirits to the apex where WE and SUCCESS co-exist together. The city of Paris brings back the romantic you and the very name itself ignites a spirit of enthusiasm to face the world with a heart filled with HOPE and CONFIDENCE to make it big, surmounting all the obstacles, and stand up tall and stiff like the towering "EIFFEL TOWER."
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Love!!! a reality check......
The word that drives each one of us crazy and that can bring back the depressed souls to the pedestal...Generations may pass, but the word stands out unique by itself. This was the opinion I had a decade back, but things have changed according to the demands of the globalised world. Men have become more realistic rather to denigrate the values that lead a living soul to salvation. The journey of a person starts from a mother's womb where we are nurtured with the capsule of love that brings us to this lovely world. Here on our lives thrive on compassion and love to develop into a complete being. The love that our parents give us transcends all boundaries and vice-versa. Love takes various shapes as it moulds our lives right from the time of our birth. It can be parental love, love between a wife and a husband or between a brother and a sister and so on and so forth. But the way we perceive it changes as we start naming the relationships. Of course this is a fact and no one can deny that. Love is often looked upon in a different way when you start associating it with the physical intimacy that two opposite souls share. This has reached a level where the term 'Love' is often looked at in a crooked way. The ideology behind looking at it in a way to degrade its moral values has crept into the minds of the people only because of the change that the ultra-modern world has brought about in terms of information technology. So the technology has become a tool to demean the basic principles that bind our lives together in a 'cluster' called happiness. The attitude towards looking at it in a sensual manner has to be basically encompasses each and every principle that is required to have a peaceful co-existence. So my sincere plea to everyone is 'Stop discriminating between the various terms that define love'. Just say that it is simply 'ETERNAL.'
Friday, March 30, 2007
Destiny!!! not always.....
Success, the sole representative of a person's caliber is looked upon in different ways by different people. Success sans hardwork is the only thing that can be termed 'impossible' in this successful world. In this fast moving world a person's success is measured by the following parameters
1. Setting of a specific goal
2. Formulation of a plan to achieve this goal
3. Hardwork that has to be put in
These three parameters alone can't fetch you success. There's one more parameter that holds great significance in a person's life, i.e. destiny, without which nothing is possible. People do say that everything is destined, I may be ambivalent if I put forward my theory behind this so-called term called 'Destiny'.
Destiny, the word that is correlated to the divine power comes into act only if you think that 'EVERYTHING IS DESTINED'. We may take this adage into consideration only if we do what we are destined to do. I may work my heart out and do not achieve what I thought I would and later put the blame on destiny. This can be a plausible excuse, but not the sole reason for my futile efforts. This is where thinking makes its forray into our lives. The way we think carries us to a position where everything has to happen according to our plans. I may be a bit radical if I say that I had not put in all the hardwork that was to be put in. But this is the fact and cannot be effaced by anyone. I do agree that there goes in a fair amount of luck in every activity of yours, but the ultimate abstract crown that adorns your head is the seven lettered word 'SUCCESS'.
The motto in life has to be "YOU MAY DIE, BUT SUCCESS CARRIES YOUR SOUL THROUGHOUT THE GENERATIONS." So friends start thinking in an optimistic manner and make this slogan "Success begets success" a reality by leaving all the superstitions and believing that you are the creator of your own destiny.
1. Setting of a specific goal
2. Formulation of a plan to achieve this goal
3. Hardwork that has to be put in
These three parameters alone can't fetch you success. There's one more parameter that holds great significance in a person's life, i.e. destiny, without which nothing is possible. People do say that everything is destined, I may be ambivalent if I put forward my theory behind this so-called term called 'Destiny'.
Destiny, the word that is correlated to the divine power comes into act only if you think that 'EVERYTHING IS DESTINED'. We may take this adage into consideration only if we do what we are destined to do. I may work my heart out and do not achieve what I thought I would and later put the blame on destiny. This can be a plausible excuse, but not the sole reason for my futile efforts. This is where thinking makes its forray into our lives. The way we think carries us to a position where everything has to happen according to our plans. I may be a bit radical if I say that I had not put in all the hardwork that was to be put in. But this is the fact and cannot be effaced by anyone. I do agree that there goes in a fair amount of luck in every activity of yours, but the ultimate abstract crown that adorns your head is the seven lettered word 'SUCCESS'.
The motto in life has to be "YOU MAY DIE, BUT SUCCESS CARRIES YOUR SOUL THROUGHOUT THE GENERATIONS." So friends start thinking in an optimistic manner and make this slogan "Success begets success" a reality by leaving all the superstitions and believing that you are the creator of your own destiny.
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